The Edinburgh Interviews 2017: Will Duggan
In his latest Edinburgh show, Perspicuator, Will Duggan sets about singlehandedly solving all of the world’s problems. Duggan will be performing at Just the Tonic at The Mash House throughout August.
1) What excites you most about the Edinburgh Festival?
Seeing all the people in my industry that I normally get to see sporadically throughout the year for a full month. That and tattiedogs. They’re these hotdogs wrapped in hash browns and they are the greatest food stuff on earth.
2) What was your first Edinburgh show about?
My first Edinburgh show was called ‘A Man Gathering Fish’ and was about every decision I had made in my life leading me to be in that room doing that show.
3) Does your comedy attract a certain type of audience?
Yes. Small.
4) What is the worst experience you’ve had with Edinburgh accommodation?
In 2013 I thought I had rented a room near the Grassmarket and had in fact rented a very small sofa about three miles away from the Grassmarket. Some friends of mine very kindly let me stay on their floor for the month. So yeah, the happy ending is sleeping on a floor for a month.
5) What is your most treasured memory of your comedy career so far?
When Funz and Gamez (the sort of kids show that I’m in with Phil Ellis, Jim Meehan and Mick Ferry) won a Fosters Edinburgh Comedy Award in 2014.
6) What show will you definitely be seeing at the festival this year?
Far too many great shows to choose from to just pick out one.
7) What do you hope to gain from the Edinburgh Festival this year?
All I want from anything in comedy is to keep getting better.
8) What do you imagine your last ever show will be about?
You know Bowie’s last album was sort of about how he knew he was going to die? But you only really realised it after the fact. Like that. But less clever and far less popular.