Podcasting has taken on a life of its own in recent years, with vast swathes of comedians coming forward with new interview, anecdotal and improv show formats. As this medium has grown, it has become saturated with assorted comedic content. Podcast Picks is a place for MoodyComedy’s comedy podcast recommendations.
Podcast Picks is back and it’s back with good reason; to recommend Cuddle Club with Lou Sanders. Beginning in February this year, Cuddle Club is a podcast that is still in its infancy. Despite this, Lou has bagged a number of high profile comedy guests, including Katherine Ryan, Richard Herring and Aisling Bea.
With a premise that centres around the weird and wonderful world of cuddles, snuggles and hugs, Lou Sanders has understandably had to reconsider her approach during the Covid-19 pandemic. Switching to a video call interview format, Lou marches on undeterred, demanding her guests share their most intimate cuddle moments, regardless of how uncomfortable they may feel.
Rather Freudian in her approach, Sanders’ adopted pseudo-psychiatrist character serves to highlight the ridiculous nature of many of the conversation topics. The episodes vary massively depending on whether our host is close friends with the guest or not. Often the conversation borders on awkward, and this is something that Sanders relishes, seemingly enjoying making her interviewees squirm with her hyper-sexualised chat.
That is not to say, however, that this podcast is all fluff. Each conversation goes in depth into topics such as relationships, family, childhood and romance, all accessed through the lens of cuddles, past and present. Lou’s candidness encourages immediate openness from her guests. Aisling Bea and Pope Lonergan’s conversations are particularly thought-provoking, with Lou’s close friendship with both comics allowing her to ask direct questions whilst remaining empathetic, yet always cheeky.
Cuddle Club is a collection of laid back chats with comedians that presents humanity realistically, with no polish or filters. Lou Sanders celebrates the real human condition, with all our ugly parts, guilty secrets and messy histories.