Prom Kween is a musical comedy that explores topics such as gender, identity and relationships, written by Rebecca Humphries and Joanna Cichonska. The cast itself is made up of Humphries, Sam Swann, Sean Rigby and Lucy Pearman. Rebecca Humphries will be performing in Prom Kween at the Underbelly, Cowgate throughout August.
1) What excites you most about the Edinburgh Festival?
It’s either the atmosphere of boundless enthusiasm and pro-activity or the fudge.
2) What was your first Edinburgh show about?
It was in 2014, and it was about my obsession with Disney. While the passion for the subject still stands, you have to move on artistically I find. Plus I’d used all my good ideas.
3) Does your comedy attract a certain type of audience?
Yeah, fabulous people/no basics.
4) What is the worst experience you’ve had with Edinburgh accommodation?
I’ve been pretty lucky in the past. My worst nightmare would probably be anywhere I’d have to share with more than one other person. So my house of 6 will be a laugh.
5) What is your most treasured memory of your comedy career so far?
I never in a million years thought I’d win the musical comedy award. In fact after our performance in the final myself and my accompanist Jo were draped backstage spouting some shit like ‘all hope it lost’. So dramatic. We hated competing, it was really stressful. But we loved winning so… you can’t have it both ways.
6) What show will you definitely be seeing at the festival this year?
I will definitely be seeing Maid of Cabbage by the inimitably insane Lucy Pearman. In her last show she played an egg. She literally played an egg.
7) What do you hope to gain from the Edinburgh Festival this year?
That we put on a great show, that we prove you don’t need a massive budget and fancy things to do so, and that audiences come away from it feeling good about themselves.
8) What do you imagine your last ever show will be about?
I like to think I would have prophesied the end of the world (I presume that’s why it’s my last show).