Geoff Norcott is well known for being one of the only openly right-wing stand up comedians performing at the Edinburgh Festival. His latest show, Right-Leaning But Well-Meaning, is another politically charged show that is sure to spark some heated discussion, and that can only be a good thing. Geoff is performing at the Underbelly, George Square throughout August.
1) What excites you most about the Edinburgh Festival?
As a fresh faced forty-year-old man, I could go there a boy and come back a star.
2) What was your first Edinburgh show about?
About teenagers. Though that was pre-Yewtree and way less weird sounding then than now.
3) Does your comedy attract a certain type of audience?
People who agree with me and people who don’t. I think I prefer those that don’t. A reluctant laugh is a great noise. I also admire them for coming to see something outside of their echo chamber. Though there is often a lot of tutting.
4) What is the worst experience you’ve had with Edinburgh accommodation?
I always live in the same flat in Leith. All these ‘socialist’ comics, they live in the fancy Meadows. They love the working classes but god forbid they should ever bump into one. Me? Every time I go down Leith walk I bump into working class people. Then they bump into other people. Because they are drunk.
5) What is your most treasured memory of your comedy career so far?
Standing onstage at Camp Bastion in front of three thousand troops, knowing that my knob gags were helping win the war on terror.
6) What show will you definitely be seeing at the festival this year?
‘Marcus Nickelthorpe’ – He’s 82 and does observational stuff about being old. It’s really depressing apparently but when you come out you also feel really buzzed up about the fact you’re not 82.
7) What do you hope to gain from the Edinburgh Festival this year?
Modest gains really: regular panel show guest, medium sized national tour, sit-com, validation, the nightmares stopping…
8) What do you imagine your last ever show will be about?
I already know this. It will be called ‘I was so shit at comedy I had to go back to teaching’.