Lee Ridley, aka Lost Voice Guy, is a funny man with a unique comic voice: being that he literally has none. Lee relies on an iPad to communicate with his audiences, due to losing his speech as a child, which allows a completely different style of comedy gig to take place, and one that everybody should experience. With his light-hearted attitude towards his disability, Lee is working to end the stigma that is attached to such physical conditions while being a right laugh as he does so.
In order to find out a bit more about Lee, I asked him these seven questions…
1) Describe the strangest dream you’ve ever had?
I have strange dreams quite often actually. I’m not sure why. I can hardly remember any of them though. The only ones I can recall are the ones when I talk in my sleep and wake up with a load of random shit written on my iPad. I woke up once and found that I had written ‘but the Queen told me to do it’ so I’m guessing that was quite a weird dream.
2) In your opinion, what is the biggest disgrace to humanity?
Mrs Brown’s Boys, without doubt. I mean why? Why? WHY?! Why does it exist? What is it’s purpose? Is it supposed to be funny? Why does everyone seem to like it? Why does it make loads of money? It’s shit, isn’t it? Isn’t it?!!!!!!
3) Worst on-stage experience you’ve ever had?
A lot of comics suffer from stage fright but I’m not one of those. I’m more likely to suffer from a dead battery or the electricity going off. I suppose one of the worst on stage experiences was in Halifax when this woman stormed out of the room as I got on stage and said ‘oh I can’t watch this!’ I didn’t even think I was that ugly!
4) Three bands/artists in your perfect festival lineup?
Just three?! That’s really hard! Ash would be my first choice. I’ve always loved Ash since their 1977 album. I’d probably have the Manic Street Preachers as well but I’d make it clear to them that they had to only play their classics. Then I’d bring Michael Jackson back because he still owes me a gig from his London shows that got cancelled. Selfish bastard.
5) What ice cream flavour doesn’t exist, but should?
Monkey flavour ice cream. Because then you could ask for monkey’s blood to get put on top of it and it’d be so much more realistic as an experience. I doubt monkeys taste good though. I’ve never tried.
6) Other than humans, what is the most irritating animal on the planet?
Sheep. They’re constantly ruining my train journeys to gigs by standing on the train line. I mean I don’t know why we can’t just run them over?! Maybe they’re trying to commit suicide anyway. They’re probably wondering why they never succeed.
7) Who is your comedy hero?
I always say Ross Noble so, for a change, I’m going to say The League Of Gentlemen. For everything they have made. I just love how dark and twisted they can get. It’s definitely my sort of humour. I just seem to adore everything they do. And I still want to go to the actual town which was made into Royston Vasey. I’d just go around shouting catchphrases from the show.