Lee Ridley aka Lost Voice Guy is a stand up comedian from Newcastle. He first spoke to MoodyComedy back in 2014 and has since produced multiple Edinburgh shows, written a radio sitcom and even recently auditioned for Britain’s Got Talent. I interviewed Lee about this growing list of successes and this is what he had to say…
Hi Lee, what’s changed since we last spoke back in 2017?
Quite a lot actually! My life has become pretty busy, which is good. I’ve got a sitcom coming out on BBC Radio 4 called Ability. Ability is about a disabled guy who can be a bit of a dick at times. So, obviously it’s totally fictional and not based on myself at all! It follows the life of Matt (who uses a communication device to speak with… again purely coincidental!). He has recently moved out of home to live with his best mate, Jess, and also has a very dodgy carer called Bob, who visits him every day. What possibly could go wrong?! It’s due to start being broadcast on BBC Radio 4 at 11.30am on Wednesday 2 May. Then, I’m taking my show – Inspiration Porn – to the Edinburgh Fringe in August as well. Oh, and I’ve just auditioned for Britain’s Got Talent!
For those who don’t know you, what is your comedy all about?
Basically, as I’m unable to speak, I use an iPad to tell my jokes on stage. Hence the name Lost Voice Guy. Mainly my material is just taking the piss out of myself and my disability. I’ve always being able to see the funny side of my condition. So this is just like free therapy for me!
What made you decide to audition for this year’s series of Britain’s Got Talent? Was it a difficult decision?
I’m doing Britain’s Got Talent because I enjoy performing and I think this will be a great opportunity for me to grow both as a performer and a person. I’d also like to prove that disabled people are just like everyone else, and are allowed to have a sense of humour.
Which judge did you most want to impress?
Simon, obviously. Then I might get a ride in his private jet!
What do you hope to get out of your Britain’s Got Talent experience?
Obviously I’m hoping to go as far as possible but, at the same time, I’m just enjoying the experience and seeing where it takes me. I think it’s more important to have fun than to have any great expectations.
Have you had positive responses from any disability charities since your appearance on the show?
Yes, all the charities that I am involved with have been very supportive since I was on the show. In fact, the response from people in general has been a bit breathtaking. My phone has never stopped since with people congratulating me and stuff. It’s all a bit surreal!
You’re a big supporter of various charities, can you tell us a little more about the ones that are closest to you?
I’m a big supporter of Communication Matters, who help give communication aids to those people who can’t communicate in any other way. I think it’s important that everyone has a voice in one way or another and Communication Matters do great work.
What are you most excited about right now?
My Radio Four sitcom which starts this week! I had the time of my life recording it, so I hope the listeners love it as well.
Visit Lee Ridley’s website or follow him on Twitter for more information