Episode: S1E3, Bollo
Air Date: 1 June 2004
Summary: This episode is an exploration of death: Bollo is getting old and it is clear that he is dying (not that anybody seems too bothered, as always). While Vince is busy caring for Bollo in his last hours, Bob Fossil alerts Howard to yet another problem: the woman who sponsors Bollo is coming to visit and Fossil cannot let her see that the gorilla is ill. Howard is forced into dressing up as a gorilla and sitting in Bollo’s enclosure for the day and this results in The Grim Reaper getting confused and taking the wrong person off to ‘Monkey Hell’. Vince must rescue Howard from the Ape of Death before he is dropped into the fiery pits…
What Else? This episode has a beautiful moment near the beginning where both Noel and Howard are trying not to laugh for whatever reason. It also has the brilliant ‘floating cup’ scene as well as the appearance of Mr Susan and his mirror balls (look at them shine). Whilst Bollo is on his deathbed, the lovely little jingle of ‘the sun is shining, and you’re feeling fine, and the birds are singing in the trees’ is sung as well as the brilliant song from the Ape of Death towards the end.
Quote of the Episode:
Phone Caller: How’s your Pauline?
The Grim Reaper [on the phone]: She’s alright, she’s dead. How’s your Pauline?
Phone Caller: She’s dead.
Familiar Faces: Rich Fulcher as the Ape of Death, Julian Barratt as Mr Susan (look at them shine).