Paul F Taylor: The Edinburgh Interviews 2019

Who? Paul F Taylor
What? Odd Paul
Where? The Stand Comedy Club 2 – Stand 2 (Venue 5)
When? 13:20
What are your feelings as you enter into this year’s Edinburgh Fringe season?
Pretty good thanks, previews have been fun. The weather has been good. As long as I don’t watch too much of the news, I feel great!
What is the premise of your Edinburgh show this year?
It’s about how I use my surreal scattergun style of comedy as a distraction, to avoid revealing too much about myself. Then some cracks slowly appear.
What is the biggest obstacle you face(d) while putting this show together?
Working out what it was. The content of the show is an ever-evolving thing that is the culmination of playing with a pen on paper and with a mic on a stage, then when you start to group all that stuff together to make something bigger it can be difficult because some bits fit and others don’t. I knew there was something that I wanted to say this year, but it’s been hard for me first to distil what that really was and how I can do that whilst staying true to my style of comedy.
Has your attitude towards the Fringe changed at all in recent years?
Yes, in some ways I’m far more businesslike about it these days, I still have a lot of fun, but it’s no longer the three weeks piss up with my pals that it once was. Additionally, I’m much more level-headed about why I’m doing it. It’s to show people what I can do, increase my fanbase and to artistically satisfy myself doing that.
Do you have any other Edinburgh show recommendations?
There are hundreds of very capable comedians up at the Fringe who need the audience so I would recommend taking a risk on someone you haven’t heard of. It’ll only be an hour of your time if it’s terrible, and at least you’ll have the story of that weird show you saw. Also, conversely, you could have the story of the person you saw before they became HUGE!
For me, 110% John Kearns and Pat Cahill will be something I will definitely go to see.
Where would you like to be in a year’s time?
Here, but in a better me.