Quarantine Questions: Stevie Martin

Twelve weeks into the UK’s coronavirus-induced lockdown, now is a time where we need comedy more than ever. Unsurprisingly, it’s also a time where it’s perhaps hardest to find something that’s actually damn funny. MoodyComedy is trying to remedy this.
What is the first thing you plan on doing once the lockdown is fully lifted?
I’m going to Circolo Popolare for a sourdough pizza. You can’t book, but you can queue at set times, so I will wait for 45 years if that’s what it takes. Then I will go to Yorica! in Soho which is a vegan ice cream parlour that does waffles and crepes and order one of everything. Then I will go to the Soho Theatre for the remainder of the day, watch a show, and enjoy two bottles of their red wine that’s the second-one-down on the menu. Then I will lick the floor.
What’s your current lockdown binge watch?
I watched the entirety of Friday Night Lights for the first time – I always thought it was just about American football but IT’S SO MUCH MORE! I cried all the way through the finale just because it was ending. Also, why did nobody tell me how good Ozark is? Or maybe they did and I wasn’t concentrating. It has blown my tits off.
Has anything made you laugh recently?
My tortoise got stuck in the basket where we keep toilet roll so I nearly wiped my arse with her. That was funny. Also there’s a tiny Japanese girl who lives opposite, looks a bit like Boo from Monsters Inc., and won’t stop putting cereal boxes on her head. Her parents keep trying to take them off her but she just puts them back on again. I am laughing at very pure things right now.
How are you trying to keep sane at the moment?
I am trying to write on weekdays because, while staring into space got me through the initial months, it sadly wasn’t sustainable. I’ve also been working out every day though, which is so unlike me I can’t even fathom saying those words, but it makes me feel like I’ve achieved something even if I haven’t managed to hit my daily word count. Disappointingly though, three months in, I only have half an ab if you look really closely.
What thing would you like to draw our attention to right now?
I am putting up fairly regular (not regular) sketches on my Twitter and IGTV but otherwise am not doing very many online shows. The lack of laughing freaks me out. Like, what am I supposed to do after I tell a joke? Wink? Agh. I have two podcasts though, and they’re fun: Nobody Panic is a different ‘how to’ each week for anyone struggling to function and Might Delete Later is where me and my sister Gina Martin (who made upskirting illegal because she is a legend) rummage through guests social media timelines for their first posts and worst posts. It’s good fun.