Josh Pugh is a stand up comedian from Warwickshire who has had surprising success for someone whose comedy career has only quite recently begun. He won the Birmingham Comedy Festival Breaking Talent Award in 2015, as well as English Comedian of the Year in 2016, which goes to show that this quirky comedian has an extremely promising future ahead of him.
I asked Josh these seven questions to get to know him better…
1) Where do you wish you were right now?
2) What makes you who you are?
A combination of genetics and life experiences. I’ve spent so long thinking about who I am that I think that has actually become my identity. The guy who doesn’t know who he is.

Josh Pugh
3) Who would you never want to perform in front of?
I would hate to perform to anyone who thinks that photo booths at wedding’s are hilarious, I have nothing that will entertain those people.
4) What would be the best thing that could happen to your comedy career?
Probably someone giving me lots of money, I could just do the gigs I wanted to do and it wouldn’t matter if I died horribly, I could still afford to eat. I would also like to wake up tomorrow and be able to impressions. I can only do one other voice and that is an impression of the man who works in the garage near me and unless he gets really famous its a pretty useless impression to be able to do.
5) If you’re ever feeling unmotivated, what is it that kicks you into action?
Honestly I never feel unmotivated when it comes to comedy, to me it’s fun and I like having fun. I sometimes feel unmotivated to socialise and so just don’t. I completely give in to that feeling, I think its my brain’s way of telling me I need to chill out for a bit.
6) Do you often fall out with people?
Never, I hate it. It eats me up if I feel like I’ve annoyed someone even slightly. I wish I could fall out with people more, for years I’ve kept people in my life who I don’t actually like.
7) What do you wish you’d never learned?
Do you know that dogs can smell you after you’ve gone out and that smell fades and it makes them miss you? That’s the saddest thing I’ve ever heard, I hate leaving my dog now.
For more information, visit Josh’s website and follow him on Twitter