Who? Louise Beresford, Maddie Rice and Dave Bibby
What? Lead Pencil
Where? Underbelly Cowgate (venue 61)
When? 19:40
Are you prepared for what this year’s Edinburgh Fringe has in store for you?
Why, what have people been saying? They been saying we haven’t been working hard? Who said that? Was it Noel Edmonds? Prick. We’re ready. Tell Edmonds we’re ready.
What is the premise of your Edinburgh show this year?
Our uber-famous 90’s TV kids show legends The Art Team are doing a reunion that will most definitely not go wrong and descend into a frantic hour of sex, drugs and an investigation into the suspicious death of our beloved mascot, Mr Sausage. Everyone’s a suspect. Especially Noel fricking Edmonds!
What was the biggest obstacle you face(d) while putting this show together?
Brexit. Also we we’re literally on the other side of the world from each other for most of this year. January – June Maddie was touring Fleabag in Australia. She then came back in time for Dave to start his World Cup show, which then finished as Louise started rehearsals for her new one-woman show. So yeah mainly Brexit.
Who would most enjoy your show?
Anyone who knows the lyrics to the Fresh Prince theme tune. Our show is packed with 90’s tunes: big shout out to Ini Kamoze, Britney and B*witched! Should be fun.
Do you have any other Edinburgh show recommendations?
DON’T MAKE A SPREADSHEET! I mean, of course, book ahead if there’s someone you really wanna see. But it’s an ARTS FESTIVAL. It’s about creativity and spontaneity. The next big stars do not have thousands of pounds to spend on PR and huge billboards. They’re in a shitty little room somewhere – take a punt! Also add Louise’s show (sorry) at Assembly and Maddie’s shows ‘Pickle Jar’ and ‘Zazu’ at Underbelly to your spreadsheets.
What is your favourite thing about Edinburgh as a city?
The climate. It’s cool and rains a lot. Usually this is the thing we hate most but we’re currently sat in a boiling hot London Itsu sweating like an Edinburgh sketch group who haven’t actually finished writing their show yet.
What are your plans for after the festival?
Probs sort out Brexit.