© Karla Gowlett
Who? Laura Lexx
What? Trying
Where? Gilded Balloon Teviot (venue 14)
When? 17:15
Are you prepared for what this year’s Edinburgh Fringe has in store for you?
Nope! Never a done a show this personal before so I’m expecting to get slapped about the face a bit with all sorts of things I didn’t know were going to get me.
What is the premise of your Edinburgh show this year?
In 2016 I stopped wanting to be alive, this show is about how I started wanting to be alive again. It’s about anti-depressants, soap, anxiety, babies and camping. I couldn’t love it more.
What was the biggest obstacle you face(d) while putting this show together?
Making sure people knew it was ok to laugh… making sure they knew I was fine with the jokes and in control of them. It’s hard to make people laugh when they’re worried about you and that’s an interesting line to walk with personal comedy.
Who would most enjoy your show?
People looking for something with belly laughs and vulnerability; something from a comic who is looking to stretch themselves and have fun somewhere new.
Do you have any other Edinburgh show recommendations?
Tonnes, but first you have to promise to come and see mine and then I’ll recommend Felicity Ward, The Noise Next Door, Sara Barron and George Rigden.
What is your favourite thing about Edinburgh as a city?
The smell… nothing beats that smell.
What are your plans for after the festival?
Finding a baby.