Episode: S1E3, Skipper The Eyechild
Summary: This episode is allegedly based on a true story. A giant eye impregnates one of the patients at Darkplace which results in the birth of a mutant eye-child. Rick Dagless MD has emotional wounds regarding his dead son, Skipper, (who was born half grasshopper) which leads him to steal the baby eye and hide him from everyone at the hospital. He also calls the new child Skipper in hope of filling the hole in his life that was left by his son when he died. Unfortunately, Rick is eventually backed into a corner and this results in him being bitten on the hand by the mutant eye and he panics…
What Else? This instalment of Darkplace is, yet again, packed full with top-of-the-range special effects. There are some authentic-looking wires to hold a helicopter in the sky and very realistic makeup, such as fake blood (it definitely doesn’t look like Ketchup at all). We get insight into Sanchez and Dagless’ special handshake and also see how it only takes mere seconds for Liz to ruin her makeup with tears after an insult, which isn’t particularly convenient for the busy woman.
Quote of the Episode:
Dean Learner: “I haven’t acted since. Some would say I didn’t act during, but er, those would be unkind people. I did my best.”
Familiar Faces: Graham Linehan as a hospital security guard.