Imran Yusuf: The Edinburgh Interviews 2018
Who? Imran Yusuf
What? Saint, Sinner, Sufi
Where? The Stand’s New Town Theatre (venue 7)
When? 17:30
Are you prepared for what this year’s Edinburgh Fringe has in store for you?
I possess a stoic resolve to endure and an expectant gratitude to enjoy whatever may be at this year’s Fringe, as I am on any other day of the year.
What is the premise of your Edinburgh show this year?
It’s a sort of coming of middle-age premise, where I acknowledge the journey of my adulthood and the kind of people I’ve thought I was along the way and realising that we are and become who we judge. Hence the title Saint, Sinner, Sufi.
What was the biggest obstacle you face(d) while putting this show together?
The guts to do it. The only way to deal with fear is to face it and do the thing that scares you anyway.
Who would most enjoy your show?
Adults who’ve had the kind of life of contrasting experiences that lead them to transform their thinking.
Do you have any other Edinburgh show recommendations?
Probably Nick Dixon, he’s got potential.
What is your favourite thing about Edinburgh as a city?
The friendliness of Scottish people and deep fried mars bars WITH ice cream. Don’t forget the ice cream.
What are your plans for after the festival?
Maybe a nice week away in Belgium and/or The Netherlands.