Sisters: The Edinburgh Interviews 2018

© James Deacon
Who? Sisters
What? Sisters: On Demand
Where? Pleasance Courtyard, Pleasance That (venue 33)
When? 20:15
Are you prepared for what this year’s Edinburgh Fringe has in store for you?
Yes. We’re living with stand up comedian, Ben Pope, and two university students who are welcome in advance for the torrential punchlines that are going to shake that flat to its very foundations.
What is the premise of your Edinburgh show this year?
Sisters: On Demand is our follow up show to last year’s surprise runaway success: White Noise. It’s the product launch of our own sketch On Demand service, in which we attempt to hand over control of the show to the audience. If all goes to plan then it should run in a different order each day.
What was the biggest obstacle you face(d) while putting this show together?
We’re pretty big tech users and this year we’ve tried to push that even further than our first show. Trying to create our own functioning On Demand system has proved a mammoth task but we think we’re getting there. There’s a VR bit this year.
Who would most enjoy your show?
Everyone who can’t get tickets to Mr. Swallow which is on at the same time.
Do you have any other Edinburgh show recommendations?
Some of our favourite sketch acts are returning to the Fringe this year like Sheeps, The Pin, Beard and Lazy Susan as well as new double-act Moon, so sketch fans will be spoiled for choice this year. Other than sketch, Ben Pope’s debut stand-up show is a must.
What is your favourite thing about Edinburgh as a city?
Probably that everything is within walking distance but we still get ubers most days. Very humorous and ironic!
What are your plans for after the festival?
We only got to perform our first show outside of London a couple of times, so we’d love to take this new show as far afield as possible. Maybe like, Reading?