Naomi McDonald: The Edinburgh Interviews 2019

Who? Naomi McDonald
What? Copycat
Where? Just the Tonic at the Caves – The Fancy Room (Venue)
When? 20:50
What are your feelings as you enter into this year’s Edinburgh Fringe season?
I’m really excited actually. This may change when I arrive in Edinburgh to discover my accommodation doesn’t exist, or my venue smells of dead rat but for now – it’s all gravy baby!
What is the premise of your Edinburgh show this year?
Celeb impressions like you’ve never seen them before. Nigella Lawson defrosts meals in her bathtub, Adele sings her heart out over a custard cream and Melania Trump joins the Spice Girls.
What is the biggest obstacle you face(d) while putting this show?
I tried to use a head mic on my 4th preview in London. On the day of the performance, the particular mic-tape I needed had not arrived from Amazon. So I decided to use my initiative and be really clever (stupid) by using surgical tape instead. Sadly, despite my optimism- it did not stick the mic to my face (what a surprise, they shout) and instead allowed it to flap around like a third arm. But don’t worry, the correct tape is now in use and performing wonderfully.
Has your attitude towards the Fringe changed at all in recent years?
I now get excited at the thought of going straight home after a show and eating a Deliveroo’d Pizza Express in bed. Though I will still cry with FOMO if I see anyone I know heading somewhere fun whilst I stand waiting for my taxi to take me back to nana-ville.
Do you have any other Edinburgh show recommendations?
Abandoman is a Fringe classic. His incredible hour of improvised rapping will leave you a little astonished. Austentatious for true improvisational gold and Newsrevue, obviously… sketch comedy at its absolute finest.
Where would you like to be in a year’s time?
On your telly screen pleasey!