Daisy Earl: The Edinburgh Interviews 2019

Who? Daisy Earl
What? Fairy Elephant
Where? Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose – Nip (Venue 24)
When? 16:00
What are your feelings as you enter into this year’s Edinburgh Fringe season?
I’m really excited! I love Edinburgh, especially at Fringe time, and I feel really happy to be doing my first full hour. It’s really lovely as a comedian to be able to perform every day of the week in a city where almost all of your comedy friends are at that time.
What is the premise of your Edinburgh show this year?
My show is essentially about self improvement and the extremes people can go to in order to feel happy. When I turned 30 (now over a year ago), I set myself a task to fix a lot of things in my life; I wanted to get sober, to get a boyfriend, to lose weight, to earn more money, to control my mental health. I had a long list of things I felt I needed to be content. This show I suppose is about what I lost and what I found and what I should have maybe stopped looking for.
What is the biggest obstacle you face(d) while putting this show together?
I think knowing when to stop. You can get really over excited when writing a show and want to put everything in. I think being disciplined enough to not over pack the story is something I’m definitely developing but takes work.
Has your attitude towards the Fringe changed at all in recent years?
Not really- I’ve always loved the Fringe. I suppose it’s different in that years ago I would only be visiting Edinburgh in August as an audience member; it’s much more exciting to be visiting as a performer. I lived in Edinburgh previously, started comedy on the Scottish circuit and my Mum is Scottish, so it still feels like coming home.
Do you have any other Edinburgh show recommendations?
To be honest it’s hard to pick one but I started comedy on the Scottish circuit and have so many Scottish acts that I love that it’s hard to pick one: Jojo Sutherland, Jay Lafferty, Susie McCabe, Janey Godley, Vlad McTavish, Ashley Storey, Billy Kirkwood, Liam Withnail, Gareth Waugh, Gareth Mutch, Gus Lymburn, Marc Jennings, Stephen Buchanan… and so many more! It’s hard to pick just a few because the Scottish circuit on the whole is really strong so I would just seek out as much Scottish talent as you can.
Where would you like to be in a year’s time?
Just performing comedy. I think it’s an industry where you can sometimes get too focused on what comes next and forget that just to be able to perform is a really amazing thing. I love stand-up so, as long as I’m still performing, I’ll be happy.