October Comedian of the Month #42, Celia Pacquola

© Andy Hollingworth Archive
Each Comedian of the Month on MoodyComedy is a comic who has never previously featured on the website. Reasons for selection can include various current projects the comedian is involved with, or perhaps recent appearances on television programmes or podcasts. There is no strict criteria however, as Comedian of the Month simply stands as a collection of recommendations, highlighting interesting and original aspects of certain comedians and their work.
Celia Pacquola is a stand up comedian and actress with a definite spark to her onstage presence. Pacquola has been big on the Australian comedy scene for quite a while now. She plays Nat in Australian television comedy series Utopia, wrote and starred in Rosehaven alongside Luke McGregor. She has also been making appearances on British television in recent years, including Never Mind the Buzzcocks and Live at the Apollo.
Her comedy spans from relationship woes (‘I’m single but I’m fine!’) to a criticism of jeggings, to an attack on supermodels publishing self-esteem books. But something tells me that regardless of the content of where her material takes, Pacquola will always be an engaging comic. She could talk about floor tiles and I would still engage. Audiences can easily relate to her subject matter, but there is an interesting twist to each narrative, whether that be alluding to wishing severe allergic reactions on ex-partners or a little bit of light-hearted murder humour. Pacquola’s delivery is easy, free-flowing and her attitude light-hearted but still substantial.
A playful attitude towards darker themes paired with a likeable personality that can seemingly win over any crowd, Celia Pacquola is onto a winner.
For more information, follow Celia Pacquola on Twitter or visit her website.