Abbie Murphy: The Edinburgh Interviews 2019

Who? Abbie Murphy
What? Eat Sleep Shit Shag
Where? Gilded Balloon at Old Tolbooth Market – Top (Venue 98)
When? 13:00
What are your feelings as you enter into this year’s Edinburgh Fringe season?
Really looking forward to this year’s Festival. I always learn so much from doing Ed Fringe, that I am excited to see where another one under my belt can take me. There really is nothing like it, a comedy bootcamp if you will… I am taking two shows up this year; one stand up, one sketch, so I do need to remind myself of the fun that is to be had, because right now I am in the thick of gigging and previewing two shows, so it’s quite intense at the moment.
What is the premise of your Edinburgh show this year?
Eat Sleep Shit Shag is anecdotal of my ex career as a showgirl, working on cruise ships, and of my time working in India as a Bollywood dancer! I tell tales of my youth in Essex, and how it came about that I even became a professional dancer, and what made me leave that behind for a career in Comedy.
What is the biggest obstacle you face(d) while putting this show together?
My first couple of Fringes I was performing character comedy. Girl On Fire & Have A Word saw my love child Stephanie Vange hold court telling tales of her Essex failings. After a couple of years off, I came back with my first hour of straight stand up as ME. That was the biggest obstacle, getting out of my own way, and realising that I could just be up there with a mic and my stories and that would be enough. I just about believed it by the end of last year’s Fringe, so I am back this year to cement in what I learned, and build on that new confidence.
Has your attitude towards the Fringe changed at all in recent years?
In some ways yes, I used to think the Edinburgh Fringe was open to all, even if you didn’t have huge financial support behind you, if you were prepared to work hard – which I did, holding down a job 6 days a week to be able to afford to do the festival! I felt I had proved wherever there was a will there was a way. I am now on my 4th festival, still fully self funded, and tbh it is taking it’s toll! Now I realise in that way the festival is privileged, because without a tonne of gumption (and cash) you can take part, but you will struggle to be consistently do so – Hence the couple of years off I had in the middle. SO, yes the financial side of Ed Fringe I have now seen and experienced, is suffocating new and or developing talent.
Do you have any other Edinburgh show recommendations?
Can I say my own Sketch Show? (Just did) LOL Beg Borrow & Bitch Ridiculously silly, British camp, mixed with retro 80s nostalgia – Think Dynasty on steroids! We are on every night 22:30 at Old Tolbooth Market Bothy Bar! I am also looking forward to seeing Maddie Campion’s solo hour Truly Maddie Deeply, I have seen her gigging the London Circuit and think she is very good. Also I am a big fan of Olga Koch, looking forward to catching her show If/Then during the run! Ooo and Joz Norris, he’s up to something good and different this year! His show is at Heroes of the Hive Joz Norris Is Dead. Long Live Mr Fruit Salad – I mean, what is not to like about that title!
Where would you like to be in a year’s time?
This time next year? Shooting the sitcom I have penned – that would be nice… especially as it is set somewhere sunny! But honestly, as long as I am still dabbling and progressing as a stand up, actor and as a writer of all things comedy, I don’t mind, it’s what makes me happiest. Life! It’s a right laugh ain’t it…