Who? Robyn Paterson
What? The South Afreakins
Where? theSpace on the Mile – Space 2 (Venue 39)
When? 15:05
What are your feelings as you enter into this year’s Edinburgh Fringe season?
I’m a bundle of nerves bringing up two solo shows. The first show, The South Afreakins, did so well in 2016, I feel myself putting pressure on in order to help the second show The South Afreakins: The Afreakin Family, be as successful.
What is the premise of your Edinburgh show this year?
The South Afreakins (Show #1): Gordon and Helene are stuck in South Africa and in their rut. One longs to get out and experience everything retirement has to offer while the other won’t leave his milk tart. When they finally immigrate to New Zealand, the result is hilariously heart breaking as they discover ‘home’ is hard to find.
The South Afreakins: The Afreakin Family (#2): Set in the present day, parents Gordon and Helene are joined by sisters Rachel and Kelly on the day when the family reunite to celebrate Gordon’s 70th birthday. The South Afreakins: The Afreakin Family offers audiences a witty yet achingly raw look at real family life. Old tensions, misunderstandings, regrets, jealousies, longing, choices made, fairness and unfairness are all up for debate as emotions erupt not unlike Helene’s extravagant chocolate lava birthday cake.
What is the biggest obstacle you face(d) while putting this show together?
Juggling the responsibility of giving both shows equal attention and making sure that The Afreakin Family matches the energy, pace and emotive energy of the first successful show. I found the new show really took a lot of my energy and focus and it was hard not to let the creative input fall to the wayside while also producing both shows.
Has your attitude towards the Fringe changed at all in recent years?
Nope! I’m as excited for it as I’ve always been!
Do you have any other Edinburgh show recommendations?
The Hiccup Project – Lovely Girls; Hitting Head Productions – The Struggling Life of an Artist; Sone of Dyke.
Where would you like to be in a year’s time?
Touring the world with The South Afreakins and The South Afreakins: The Afreakin Family.