Who? Micky Overman
What? Presenting Miss Micky Overman
Where? Pleasance Courtyard – Bunker Two (Venue 33)
When? 21:15
What are your feelings as you enter into this year’s Edinburgh Fringe season?
This is my sophomore year and I’m excited! As the Edinburgh Fringe kind of coincides with the academic year, it’s a bit like being back in school and working towards exams. Last year I’d say I felt like I’d studied, but then when I got there none of the questions were what I expected, my pencil broke and I needed the toilet whereas this year I feel much calmer and more prepared. By which I mean I will be wearing adult diapers.
What is the premise of your Edinburgh show this year?
This is a much more personal show than my last show. I talk about childhood, identity and what it means for me to be a foreigner in the UK. It’s also a much more topical show that dives into some of the grey areas surrounding the #MeToo discussion. This sounds more serious than it is. It’s a very silly show about being defined that pays homage to my home country. I won’t say where I’m from to keep an air of mystery but we’re known for tulips and prostitutes…
What is the biggest obstacle you face(d) while putting this show together?
I’d say that this year I really tried to integrate the sillier side of my personality, which in the process of writing the show seemed to clash with the straight-talking part of me that wants to be able to joke openly about things like sex and gender expectations. But I really think I’ve done it, and it’s a perfect balance of both sides of me.
Has your attitude towards the Fringe changed at all in recent years?
Well, five years ago I didn’t even know the Fringe existed, and that’s still pretty recent, so I would say it’s changed a remarkable amount. It’s less scary now than it was three years ago when I first went up to do a double-header. The more people I get to know, and the more I feel a part of the community, the less frightening the Fringe becomes. It is starting to feel more like ‘that thing I do in August’ now, which is nice. But I am still a baby comic in many ways and I can’t wait for the day when I feel completely at ease at this festival.
Do you have any other Edinburgh show recommendations?
Oh yes! First, go check out Helen Bauer’s amazing debut Little Miss Baby Angel Face and see for yourself one of the funniest new voices in comedy. She will make you laugh and make you want to be her best friend – she’s incredible. Also check out Nathan D’Arcy Robert’s debut Glowed Up, which is a stand-up show inspired by his love of cinema. Nathan is one of the funniest people I know and an incredible writer, you won’t regret it! Also check out my fellow sophomore Heidi Regan, whose show Heidi Kills Time is for anyone who likes their comedy both silly and smart!
Where would you like to be in a year’s time?
Heading back to the Fringe, I hope! I really enjoy making shows, so I hope to keep doing that for as long as I can. Hopefully I’ll get to do more fun things like writing for TV and acting, but the dream is to keep getting better at stand-up and gig in as many places in the world as will have me.