Who? Micky Overman
What? Role Model
Where? Pleasance Courtyard, Bunker Two (venue 33)
When? 22:30
Are you prepared for what this year’s Edinburgh Fringe has in store for you?
Not at all, no. I’m glad I split an hour with a buddy last year just to get used to the Festival a little bit, but I have no idea what doing my own show will look like. I reckon it’ll be a bit lonely, but I’ll learn a lot.
What is the premise of your Edinburgh show this year?
It’s called Role Model. It chronicles my relationships with my ex-boyfriends, my parents and the girl I nanny for in London. I think it’s a really good way to get to know me, as it flips back and forth between the past and present and gives you a good idea of where I was and where I am now. And it’s funny!
What was the biggest obstacle you face(d) while putting this show together?
Learning to stand on stage for longer than 30 minutes and not feeling like I need to apologise to audience for still talking to them. It’s a pretty big jump.
Who would most enjoy your show?
Probably any women who can enjoy a bit of filth and can relate to some really dumb break-up stories.
Do you have any other Edinburgh show recommendations?
There’s some absolutely glorious women debuting this Fringe, including: Heidi Regan, Catherine Bohart, Sarah Keyworth, Sindhu Vee and Olga Koch, just to name a few. I would 100% recommend all of their shows as they are all very, very funny.
What is your favourite thing about Edinburgh as a city?
It’s beautiful and you can walk everywhere. Living in London has many downsides, but one is definitely the fact that you’re always on public transport. I love spending a whole month just walking in clean air. God, that sounds so depressing.
What are your plans for after the festival?
Depends how the show goes and how much longer the lovely parents of the girl I nanny for will pay me to take care of her when really she’s fine on her own. I try not to think about it too much because of the loss of income, but mostly the loss of hanging out with her. She’s an absolute delight. Comedy wise, I will just keep on trying to get better and funnier. It sounds like a really straightforward answer, but people can really get caught up in all the hoopla surrounding the Fringe and the industry. So I will try to just keep focussing on the funny.