Who? Maisie Adam
What? Hang Fire
Where? Gilded Balloon Teviot – Billiard Room (Venue 14)
When? 17:00
What are your feelings as you enter into this year’s Edinburgh Fringe season?
The feelings I have entering the Fringe are a lot different to the ones I have once I’m up there and have done the first couple of shows! In the run up to Edinburgh, I’m just a walking bag of nerves, but once I’m up there and got the first show out the way then I know I’m just going to enjoy it. I loved last year and that had the pressure of being a newcomer which I don’t have this year, so my aim is to just enjoy the month as much as possible – it’s the biggest and best arts festival in the world, so I’m sure that won’t be too hard.
What is the premise of your Edinburgh show this year?
I’m going to be really annoying here and say “I can’t reveal too much” as there’s a twist in the show which would ruin it if you already knew. But it’s about owning your mistakes, blame culture and also looks at how quick we are to jump on people and label them terrible people without letting them make mistakes. Is that a wishy-washy answer? Good, it’s meant to be!
What is the biggest obstacle you face(d) while putting this show together?
Getting permission to do it. And I won’t say more than that!
Has your attitude towards the Fringe changed at all in recent years?
No. I’ve only ever done one Fringe – last year’s – and I was just in awe the whole month at how incredible it was. The year before, I just came up for a few days to compete in the So You Think You’re Funny final, and I knew then that it was special!
Do you have any other Edinburgh show recommendations?
Comedy-wise, I’m really excited to see Rosie Jones’ second show – I loved her show last year and think she’s bloody brilliant. Amusical is always a fantastic show, so I’ll be sure to catch that as well! In terms of theatre, I’m really excited to see Madame Ovary by Rosa Hesmondalgh, a friend put me in touch with her last year and she’s incredible. She’s beaten cancer and written a one-woman play about it in the space of a year. Absolutely amazing, I can’t wait to see it.
Where would you like to be in a year’s time?
Walking the runway of the Victoria’s Secret fashion show, as Harry Styles watches from the front row and realises what he could have had. I’m very realistic.