Who? Ladylikes
What? Top Secret House Party
Where? Just the Tonic at Marlin’s Wynd – Just the Wyndy Room (Venue 296)
When? 21:25
What are your feelings as you enter into this year’s Edinburgh Fringe season?
A mix of excitement and terror. We flit between being raring to get the show up on its feet and wondering what major thing we have forgotten to do. However, we know that we make a great team and that we have each other’s backs. We can’t wait to open Top Secret House Party and to spend a month performing and watching the shows of the people we love and admire! I think we both feel conflicted about spending a month eating tuna pasta bakes…
What is the premise of your Edinburgh show this year?
We are taking our debut sketch show, Top Secret House Party to Just The Tonic’s Marlin’s Wynd. Our show is a comical (and sometimes terrifying) exploration of what it means to be a modern-day party girl. It’s a tale of friendship, finding your way in your late twenties, and the anxieties that come with party culture. Expect wacky characters, outlandish scenarios and a good dose of musical comedy
What is the biggest obstacle you face(d) while putting this show together?
Time! Obviously, as we are just at the start of our comedy career we have spent the last year balancing other commitments and pay the bills jobs just to be able to get our show up to the Fringe. Phoebe co-runs another theatre company and Miztli has just done her first run as a director on Newsrevue! We both work a million side-hustles but we’ve managed to make it work and have also had the support of other creatives who have lent us their time and skills for free. We hope we can repay the favour when we are award-winning millionaires…
Has your attitude towards the Fringe changed at all in recent years?
I know people are saying it’s getting more and more expensive every year to perform and we think it’s such a shame. We’ve heard that press coverage has been slashed this year too which makes it harder if you are at the start of your journey. However, we’ve learnt it really is a marathon and not a sprint so we are excited just to have a month practising and honing our craft (and having fun).
Do you have any other Edinburgh show recommendations?
We know so many amazing comedians heading up this year it’s hard to pick! But we can’t wait to see Algorithms by Sadie Clark, Petroc by Tamsyn Kelly and Janine Harouni’s debut comedy hour! There’s too much awesome stuff to see!
Where would you like to be in a year’s time?
We would love to have toured our show around – we think it should have a good life post Fringe. We’ve also got a few ideas for a sitcoms and more filmed sketches! Watch this space.