Who? Helen Bauer
What? Little Miss Baby Angel Face
Where? Pleasance Courtyard – Bunker One (Venue 33)
When? 18:00
What are your feelings as you enter into this year’s Edinburgh Fringe season?
It is so exciting. It’s been 10 years exactly since I first went to the Edinburgh Fringe and doing my own show there is such a dream come true. I’m also terrified, in a nervous ‘oh shit I’m going to Thorpe Park and I may vomit on the big ride way.’ So, excited and scared. More scared now I have thought about it.
What is the premise of your Edinburgh show this year?
Little Miss Baby Angel Face is an exploration of my love for tragic situations and the relationship with my Mum. My mum and I are two sides of the same coin. My mum currently has ghosts in her house and thinks in a past life she was on the Titanic, where I wrote and performed a monologue about being sexually abused and performed it at school (TOTAL LIE & also VERY creepy)! In reality her Mum ran a ‘drama school’ from their house (from when she was small) and clearly the drama continued outside of her work! Sincerity is what the show tackles and my completely in ability to be sincere when it is most required.
What is the biggest obstacle you face(d) while putting this show together?
It turns out a lot of things I have assumed that are super relatable, ‘we all know that moment when’ bits are very much a me only thing. Like seriously no one else’s Mum has told them about their past lives. Weird huh!?
Has your attitude towards the Fringe changed at all in recent years?
This will be my first solo show, so I have always had different Fringe experiences. What is lovely is feeling more and more a part of it as the years go on.
Do you have any other Edinburgh show recommendations?
So many. Heidi Regan never fails to make me laugh. Sunil Patel and Jordan Brookes are comedy gods and of course I cannot forget the sweet comedy angel Rosie Jones.
Where would you like to be in a year’s time?
Living in a world where large foreheads and powerful calves are seen as important assets.