Who? Heidi Regan
What? Heidi Kills Time
Where? Pleasance Courtyard – Beside (Venue 33)
When? 16:45
What are your feelings as you enter into this year’s Edinburgh Fringe season?
I’m more relaxed than last year, but now I’m getting panicked that the relaxation is a horrific mistake and I will be filled with regret and an unfinished show. So I’m nervous about how relaxed I am, which is why I can’t have nice things.
What is the premise of your Edinburgh show this year?
Someone pointed out to me that a disproportionate amount of my jokes were about time travel so I decided to really lean in to that. I love sci fi and fantasy and very silly jokes and it happens to mix well with my growing terror of the future. Basically it’s my brain obsessing over decisions and making the wrong choice and an apocalyptic future and using time travel to process that. Sounds fun, right?!
What is the biggest obstacle you face(d) while putting this show together?
Lots of attempted interference from TEC, the Time Enforcement Commission first documented in the Jean-Claude Van Damme documentary Time Cops. They don’t want me to reveal too much about the extent of time travel going on. Bloody politics!
Has your attitude towards the Fringe changed at all in recent years?
I used to go every year as a punter and thought all the comedians looked like they were having constant fun. Now I’m doing shows I realise it’s mostly terror and stress but I guess that’s because it is a job. Hopefully that will change as I get more confident or give up on any career?
Do you have any other Edinburgh show recommendations?
Yes loads that I will tweet in the week leading up to it. I can’t handle the pressure of picking just a few for here and accidentally missing some. Why would you think I was ready for that kind of responsibility? Why?
Where would you like to be in a year’s time?
In a meeting in the White House being quizzed/interrogated on how my show got so many things right about time travel!?!?!?! Then I imply that I know even more but I can’t explain, they just have to trust me and make some key policy changes. But then I go mad with power and eventually I’m stopped by a future me! Hopefully I can fit all this around doing Edinburgh again next year as I’d like to do a very silly and low key show.