Who? Francesco De Carlo
What? Winning Hearts and Minds
Where? Underbelly George Square – The Wee Coo (Venue 300)
When? 17:20
What are your feelings as you enter into this year’s Edinburgh Fringe season?
This is my third time at the Fringe and I hope to be able to use all the stuff that I’ve learned in the previous editions. I want to eat healthy, don’t drink too much alcohol, run in the morning and go to sleep early at night. It is a very stressful experience and I really hope to behave in a proper way. At least for the first couple of days.
What is the premise of your Edinburgh show this year?
I want to investigate why liberal ideas are not convincing people anymore, in Europe as in the States, in Italy as in the UK. If we are so clever why we are losing elections basically everywhere? I’ll do it telling the audience some personal experience and the story of my (very) Italian family.
What is the biggest obstacle you face(d) while putting this show together?
Translating it. Given that it is a second language, I would need more stage time, but it is very hard because I spend too much time in Rome and in the UK there are so many good comedians. I use every chance to test new material. Can you believe that I’ve tried new jokes during a showcase, where you are supposed to bring well rehearsed material?
Has your attitude towards the Fringe changed at all in recent years?
I deeply love the fact that art and culture change so much during the years. Comedy is not an exception: it keeps changing year after year and I like it because it stays alive. In the UK I have the feeling that every comedian can contribute to this progress and that it is very important to describe the present and anticipate the future. In Italy we love to celebrate the past (dead comedians, dead actors, dead directors…) and it is very hard to create a new scene. Even if recently something is changing.
Do you have any other Edinburgh show recommendations?
I’m sharing my flat with three great friends and amazing comedians: Anuvab Pal from India, Loyiso Gola from South Africa, Orlando Baxter from the USA. I can’t wait to see their new shows, even if I feel that the best entertainment would be in the house.
Where would you like to be in a year’s time?
For an Italian is very hard to not spend August on the seaside, drinking white wine and eating spaghetti with clams. In the last years I’ve been in Scotland, so I hope to spend some time on the beach in twelve months. But I promise this to me every year, and every year I end up in Edinburgh. I’m in love with the Fringe Festival.