© Sam Nicoresti
Who? David McIver
What? David McIver Is A Nice Little Man
Where? Opium, Upstairs (venue 96)
When? 14:30
Are you prepared for what this year’s Edinburgh Fringe has in store for you?
I think so! I am trying to spend the preceding weeks exercising regularly, and eating lots of fruit and vegetables, that way I am starting at a position of strength, in order to counteract my body’s inevitable decay.
What is the premise of your Edinburgh show this year?
Every day the audience throw me a surprise birthday party, and, through the medium of silly character comedy, I play a few of the different guests that arrive. I’ve realised in the making of the show that all of the guests are flawed male authority figures, so I think it’s about a shy little man trying to find his place in a world dominated by confident masculinity. But it’s fun!
What was the biggest obstacle you face(d) while putting this show together?
I did a run of shows at the Prague Fringe, and I was staying in this AirBnB that turned out to be a kind of hippy commune. While the idea of this was lovely, my room was being used as a yoga studio most of the time and there weren’t any curtains on the windows, so I was getting back at 3am and waking up with the sunlight every day. I’m all for thriftiness when it comes to decoration, but a man needs his 8 hours. I still gave them a 5 star review out of politeness though, which is an important lesson for all reviewers.
Who would most enjoy your show?
My target demographic tends to be nerdy millennial losers, like me. The show this year is about masculinity and shyness, so I’m really aiming for that ‘hates the patriarchy, has social anxiety and enjoys stupid absurdist comedy’ Venn diagram intersection.
Do you have any other Edinburgh show recommendations?
Crizards are great, they do low-energy deadpan sketch comedy. I also love Loose Brie, who do big, fun and silly sketch comedy. Two good double acts who are unlike anyone else.
What is your favourite thing about Edinburgh as a city?
I love being able to travel the entirety of the city on foot. Every time I get back to London after Edinburgh, I remember how depressing it is to spend large portions of time shooting through an underground tunnel without any natural sunlight.
What are your plans for after the festival?
I feel like I’ve been working so hard on my show that I haven’t read any books, or seen any movies or TV shows, for about six months. What are all the good TV shows now? I don’t even know. I’ve got nothing to talk about anymore. When I get back I’m going to spend a few months trying to consume some popular culture, so I’ve got a few good conversation starters on dates.