Who? Daniel Audritt
What? Better Man
Where? Just the Tonic at The Caves – Just Up the Stairs (Venue 88)
When? 13:05
What are your feelings as you enter into this year’s Edinburgh Fringe season?
Very nervous. Every year I go to Edinburgh, I’ve just gone up to get better as a comedian, but this is the first year I’ve done my own hour long show. I have purposefully never been seen by industry, reviewers etc… for years and this year is the first time that I have invited that level of scrutiny and that does worry me. It feels like I’m poking my head up from the parapet and I have no idea what to expect on the other side…
What is the premise of your Edinburgh show this year?
It’s a joke filled stand up show about love, relationships and masculinity.
What is the biggest obstacle you face(d) while putting this show together?
My daily fight with myself. I have very high standards of myself which I inevitably fall short of. I’ve been running around doing as many gigs as I can a night, trying to get the material ready. There have been a lot of times this year where I’ve had to remind myself that comedy is meant to be fun and to stop beating myself up when a new routine isn’t perfect.
Has your attitude towards the Fringe changed at all in recent years?
Every year I take it a bit more seriously… I’m not sure if that’s a good or bad thing. I still love going up there and look forward to it all year, but this year has been the first time when it’s felt like it’s coming around too quickly rather than not quick enough.
Do you have any other Edinburgh show recommendations?
Yes! So many… a fellow stand up debut by my friend Janine – Stand Up with Janine Harouni (Please Remain Seated). She is a brilliant stand up and I’m really looking forward to seeing that show. She was also in my Comedy Central series Modern Horror Stories where I got to see every day how annoyingly talented she was. My writing partner Kat Butterfield is the funniest person I know and she’s one third of the sketch group Northern Power Blouse. Their very silly show gets audiences laughing like no one else can. Two US comics who are coming over that I’m really looking forward to seeing are Emmy Blotnick (Party Nights) and Anna Drezen (Okay Get Home Safe!!). I’ve heard Emmy’s show as an album already and it’s really funny and Anna is one of SNL’s best writers.
Where would you like to be in a year’s time?
Me and my writing partner Kat Butterfield (of Northern Power Blouse – a sketch group also up in Edinburgh this year) are developing a lot of TV projects, so a dream situation would be to have one of those in production.