Who? Christian Finnegan
What? My Goodness
Where? Gilded Balloon Teviot (venue 14)
When? 20:45
Are you prepared for what this year’s Edinburgh Fringe has in store for you?
Not even remotely. This is my first Fringe, so it will all be new to me. When I tell New York comedians I’m doing the Fringe, they react with a mix of confusion and fear — as if I’d said I was going to scale Kilimanjaro or wrestle a grizzly bear. I’m not sure what it says about me, psychologically, that I’m looking forward to it anyway.
What is the premise of your Edinburgh show this year?
‘My Goodness’ is my attempt to suss out what it means to be a passable human being. In the show, I present a handy self-examination by which you can determine your own personal good-ness. It’s also a bunch of dirty jokes, ill-informed political opinions and embarrassing personal revelations.
What was the biggest obstacle you face(d) while putting this show together?
From a technical standpoint, ‘My Goodness’ is more involved than what you might see me do on a random Tuesday at Gotham Comedy Club. Also, the show briefly touches on some family stuff I’ve never discussed onstage, so that’s been… interesting. Honestly, the show has come together rather organically, but I’m not worried—I’m sure there are plenty of obstacles to come!
Who would most enjoy your show?
Dumb people who pretend to be smart, and smart people who pretend to be sober.
Do you have any other Edinburgh show recommendations?
I’m rooming with fellow American Myq Kaplan. I haven’t yet seen his show ‘All Killing Aside’, but he’s known as one of New York’s best and most inventive comedians and he’s fantastic person to boot! Also, I once spent a month driving around Western Australia with Zoe Lyons, so I’m really looking forward to seeing ‘Entry Level Human’. Beyond that, I’m open to suggestions!
What is your favourite thing about Edinburgh as a city?
Given that this is my first trip, I’m sure I’ll fall in love with all the corny tourist crap that makes locals roll their eyes. And you know what? I will regret nothing!
What are your plans for after the festival?
Apologize to my wife for abandoning her for a month. And, I imagine, take the dogs out for a very long walk.