Who? Archie Henderson
What? Jazz Emu
Where? Gilded Balloon at Old Tolbooth Market – Bothy (Venue 98)
When? 18:45
What are your feelings as you enter into this year’s Edinburgh Fringe season?
It’s my debut show, so naturally I feel a warm glow combined with a profound sense of dread. My venue is nice, though, which is giving me hope. Also I’ve worked my tiny little ass off on my show and I’m really happy with it.
What is the premise of your Edinburgh show this year?
I’ve spent the last two years in my pants making musical stings on my computer that no-one would ever find. I really don’t need that whole Van Gogh ‘successful 100 years after he died’ thing in my life, so I figured I should just bring the art to the people. It’s a refined musical smorgasbord. It also contains enough jokes about birds that, when they discuss my work centuries down the line, I feel like it’ll feature under the ‘Themes & Images’ tab on my Wiki page.
What is the biggest obstacle you face(d) while putting this show together?
A crippling and constant pang of inadequacy combined with totally unmerited feeling that my art is going to change lives.
Has your attitude towards the Fringe changed at all in recent years
There’s way too much comedy now. It’s tedious! How am I meant to sell my show?! There’s a parallel universe in which the whole festival is puppet circus acts, and I’m single-handedly cornering the market.
Do you have any other Edinburgh show recommendations?
Heidi Regan is the most unsettlingly funny stand up I’ve seen for ages. I’m also looking forward to Garry Starr’s new show, which I loved last year. Janine Harouni is high on my list as a smash-it-out-the-park newcomer.
Where would you like to be in a year’s time?
Have a Wikipedia page with a Themes & Images tab.