I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas and are enjoying the prospect of another new year for yourselves, and for the world of comedy. 2015 has been an incredibly busy year for me, and that doesn’t look set to change any time soon, but it has also been a pleasingly productive one. I even turned 18 just before Christmas so will be able attend more of the events that MoodyComedy gets invited to, which I have often had to turn down in the past!
With things getting on top of me somewhat in the final few months of 2015, the quantity of posts on MoodyComedy had to be decreased. I will be continuing this certainly throughout the beginning of 2016 and most likely all the way through to next Summer due to the heavy workload involved in taking four subjects at A2 Level. However, one of my reasons for reducing the number of posts is so that I may maintain the level of quality to my writing whilst acknowledging my own busy lifestyle and various personal and academic commitments.
But I definitely don’t want you to think that while MoodyComedy has been quiet, things haven’t been going on behind the scenes! The start of a new year sees MoodyComedy get a facelift, courtesy of the very talented Lucy Fletcher from Gabs Graphic Design. Lucy and I have worked to ensure that the new logo represents what the MoodyComedy brand is truly about, encompassing uncluttered, simple values with an artistic, homegrown touch, and I am immensely pleased with the outcome.
I’m very interested to hear what you all think of the new layout and encourage anyone needing help with the design-side of website maintenance to bear Lucy’s business in mind. I must also wish you all a very Happy New Year; here’s to another hectic twelve months of combining my two loves: comedy and crushing deadline pressure!